fczenith Turbocharger

Mercedes Benz

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Product Description

Part Number 53279886206

Previous Versions 5327-988-6206, 5327 988 6206, 311703, 313163, 53279886011, 53279886016, 53279886201, 53279886203

OE Numbers 0030965599KZ, 30965399, 30965499, 90961999 A0030965599, A0030965399, A0030965499, A0090961999, 0030962299, 0030962199, 0030962099, A0030962299, A0030962199, A0030962099

Description Truck, Bus 1633,38/O303/O305, 33/O303/O305, 38/O303/O305

Manufacturer Part Number 53279706206, 5327-970-6206, 5327 970 6206, 53279706016, 53279706201, 53279706011, 53279706203

Canadian Red Cross 53277100073 (5327-710-0041, 313457, 313456, 313454, 312302)(1301027724, 1000030011)

Turbocharged Model K27-3262MGB20.22GNADD

Engine OM422A/LA, OM442A

Displacement 14.62 L, 14700 cc

kW 243/258/276/330/350/375 hp

Maximum RPM 2100

Fuel Diesel

Angle α (compressor housing) 195/215°

Angle β (turbine housing) 30/90/313°

Bearing Seat 53271500016 (53271500012, 312836, 313119)(1301027455, 1900011004, 203140004)

Turbine 53271202109 (53271205005, 53271202110, 53271202113, 53271202117, 53271205016, 53271205017) (Ind. 75.99 mm, Exd. 68.09 mm, 11 blades) (1301027438, 1301027438, 1100030040) (201110014)

Comparison wheel 53271232227 (53271232035, 53271232217) (313713) (Ind. 50.01 mm, Exd. 81.0 mm, 7+7 Blade, Superback)(1301027425, 1200016225)

Back plate 53271515721 (53271515724, 53271515737, 53271516701)(1300016015, 204060008)

Heat shield quantity 53271652005 (312837)(1301027342, 2030016136, 206270003)

Repair kit 53277110030 (53247110025, 53267110001, 53267110015, 53267110024, 53267110025, 53267110027, 53267110028, 53267110029, 53267110038, 53277110004, 53277110008, 53277110010, 53277110018, 53277110020, 53277110021, 53277110040, 53277110061, 53287110009)(5000040016, 209270001)

Turbine housing 53271015109 (53271018501)

Compressor cover 53271015109 (53271015237)

Turbine housing AR 20

Replaces K27-6201/-6203

Replaces K27-6011/-6016/-6201/-6203

Interchangeable with 466214-5024S, 466214-5025S


1987-02 Mercedes-Benz Trucks, Buses 19.33/O303/O305 with OM422A/LA, OM442A engines

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