fczenith Turbocharger

fczenith Turbocharger

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Product Description

Part Number 53279986745

Previous Versions 53279886740, 5327-988-6745, 5327-998-6745, 53279886789,5327-988-6789

OE Numbers 3802127, 3830094, 866639, 3826913, 3827451, 3827451-0, 38274510, 3828361, 38.021.27, 38.300.94, 86.663.9, 38.269.13, 38.274.51

Manufacturer Part Numbers 53279706740, 53279706745, 5327-970-6740, 5327-970-6745, 5327-970-6789, 53279706789

Canadian Red Cross 53277100156 (5327-710-0156)

Turbo Model K27-3767OHAKB/7.61, K27-3767OHAKB7.61GZASB

Engine TAMD63P-A

Engine Manufacturer Volvo Penta

Displacement 5.6 L, 5600 cc

kW 280/381

Maximum RPM 2800

Angle α (compressor housing) 80°

Angle β (turbine housing) 90°

Bearing Seat 53271500010 (Oil Cooling)(1301027450)

Turbine 53271205008 (3825121) (Ind. 63.98 mm, Exd. 76.12 mm, 12 blades)

Comparison wheel 53311232017 (3825123) (Ind. 61.70 mm, Exd. 94.90 mm, 7+7 blades, Superback)

Back plate 53291515706 (53291515710)

Heat shield quantity 53271652003 (53271652002, 53271652016)(838563, 312861)(1301027341)

Repair kit 53277110023 (53277110054, 53277110053, 53277110055)(866286)(1301027751)

Turbine housing (water cooled) 53271007006

Compressor cover 53311013025

Turbine housing AR 7

Actuator 58061100217 (3828598)

Setting wastegate (pressure) 2.70 bar

Setting wastegate (lift well) 0.90 mm

Shim kit 876955 (215579)

Shim actuator 864778

Intercooler, replacement for K27-6740, Volvo Penta only


2001-05 Volvo Penta marine with TAMD63P-A engine

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