fczenith Turbocharger


MAN Truck K29 Turbocharger 53299887113、5329-988-7113

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Product Description

Part Number 53299887113

Previous Part Numbers 5329-988-7113, 5329 988 7113

OE Numbers 51.09100-7538, 51.09100-7741, 51091007538, 51091007741

Year 2001-06

Description Truck

Manufacturer Part Numbers 53299707113, 5329-970-7113

Canadian Red Cross 53297100020 (5329-710-0020)(1301029900, 1000030250T)

Turbo Model K29-3571QOAKA17.20GNAWD

Engine D2866LF25

Engine Manufacturer MAN

Displacement 11.97 L, 11970 cc

kW 228/310 hp

Maximum RPM 2000

Angle α (compressor housing) 310 degrees

Angle β (turbine housing) 140 degrees

Bearing Seat 53291500023 (53291500010, 53291500018)

Turbine 53291205023 (53291205011, 53291205027, 53291205060)(Ind. 71. mm, Exd. 82. mm, Trm 12.5, 12 blades)(1100016447B)

Compound Wheel (Bevel) 53291232228 (53291232236) (Ind. 63.1 mm, Exd. 90.5 mm, Trm 6.9, 7+7 blades, Superback) (1301029400)

Back plate 53291523003 (53291523001)

Heat shield quantity 53291652000 (53311652001)

Repair kit 53317110005 (53317110003)(1301031755)

Turbine housing AR 17

Gasket (turbine inlet) 409123-0002 (310694) (stainless steel)

Gasket (turbine outlet) 210222 (stainless steel)

Gasket (oil outlet) 210060 (2475013, 311585, 148062) (paper)

Notes Intercooler

Interchangeable with 53299887105


2001-06 Man TGA Trucks with D2866LF25 Engine

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