fczenith Turbocharger

fczenith Turbocharger

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Part Number 49131-02020

Previous Versions 49131-02000, 4913102020, 49131-02020, 49131-02021, 49131-02022, 49131-02010, 4913102030

OE Numbers 17012-1G622, 1G622-17012, 1G62217012, 1E013-17012, 1E013-17013, 17012-1G622, 17012-1E013, 1G622-17011, 1G622-17012, 1G622-17013, 1G622-17014, 1G622-17015, 1G622-17016, 1G62217011, 1G62217012, 1G62217013, 1G62217014, 1G62217015, 1G62217016, 6675676, 6675676EF, 6675676REM、17012-1E013

Description Bobcat S160, 337, 341 Excavators, Bobcat S150, S160, S175, S185, T190 Loaders, Bobcat 773 Loader Kubota, Earthmoving

Canadian Red Cross 49131-08010 (49131-08000, 49131-08041)

Turbo Model TD03-07B, TD03-7G, TD03-7T, TD03-07G-3.3

Engine V2003T

Engine Model V2003-T, F2503-TE-C, V2003-T-EB-MELROE-1

Engine Manufacturer Kubota

Fuel Diesel

Serial Number 233211001-Up, 500K11001-Up, 518011001-Up, 523811001-Up, 517625001-Up, 519311001-Up

Bearing Housing 49131-25400 (Oil Cooled)

Turbine 49131-30100 (Ind. 40.18 mm, Exd. 35.07 mm, Trm 6.45, 12 blades) (1100016096)

Comparison wheel 49131-43200 (Ind. 32.64 mm, Exd. 44.01 mm, Trm 3.73, 6+6 blades) (1200016211)

Back plate (Superback) (1401402300, 1800016016)

Heat shield, guard

Repair kit 49131-10400

Turbine housing 49131-10200

Actuator 49131-18200 (49131-18224)

Turbine housing AR 3.3

Gasket Oil outlet

Gasket kit


2003- Kubota excavators with V2003T engine

With S160 engine and V2003T Bob Cat of Engines.

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