fczenith Turbocharger


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Part Number: 56209880009

Interchangeable Numbers: 5620 988 0009, 5620-988-0009, 56201970009, 5620 197 0009, 5620-197-0009, 318754, 318815

OEM Numbers: 04259318, 04259318KZ, 04290808, 04290813, 1118010B57D, 20571676, 20917417, 3801158, 3802190, 6005030553\318815

Turbine Model: S200G, S200G-76H24AEFGM/0.85DA11

Manufacturer: BorgWarner - 3K - Schwitzer, BWTS UK

Year: 2001-07

Engine: BF6M1013-28 Euro 3, BF6M1013FC, TAD650, TAD650VE, TAD660VE, TAD722VE, TCD2012L6

Displacement: 6.06/7.14L

Fuel: Diesel

Power: 115 kW/210 hp, 206 kW/280 hp

Speed: 2300/2400 rpm

Angle α (compressor housing): 270°

Angle β (turbine housing): 102°


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2007-02 Deutz Industrial with 6.06L TCD2012L6 engine

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2008-01 Deutz Industrial with 6.06L TCD2012L6 engine

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