fczenith Turbocharger


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Product Description

Part Number 3536473

Previous Part Numbers 3536472, 3536474, 3536474H, 3537093, 3537096, 3537238, 3590091, 3592221, 3593287

OE Numbers 3802819, 3802819RX, 4031510

Description Ford Truck, Military, Miscellaneous, Truck, Military, Euro 2-HCV

Manufacturer Part Numbers 3537094, 3590091, 3592221, 3537238, 3537095, 3537096, 4031510, 3593287, 3592375, 3537093, 3591244, 3594310, 3592671, 4037308, 3598110

Canadian Red Cross

Canadian Red Cross 3537817 (302-00001, 3580902, 4027480, 4027950, 5451473) (1000020152)

Turbocharged Model HX35-L8264AC/E18DA11, HX35

Make TCL


Engine 6BT, 6BTA, 6BTAA, 6BTA Euro 2, DINA Engine, B Series

Displacement 5.9 L, 5900 cc

Fuel Diesel

kW 139/160/190

Engine Manufacturer Cummins

Angle α (compressor housing 0/306 degrees

Angle β (turbine housing) 180 degrees

Bearing seat 4032032 (3532631, 4027872, 3539694, 3599943, 4027754, 4035136, 4036549, 4027443) (84.50 mm) (oil-cooled) (1900011016)

Turbine 3519336 (3595832) (Ind. 70.05 mm, Exd. 59.94 mm, Trm 10.99, 12 blades) (1152301435, 1100030005)

Comparison wheel 3599594 (3537168, 3599646, 4036126)(6735818031)(Ind. 53.97 mm, Exd. 82.04 mm, Trm 5.97, 8+8 blades, Superback)(1153035402, 1200016158)

Back plate 3530923 (1154351300, 1800016009)

Heat shield quantity 3519302 (3519304)(1152301340, 2030016031)

Repair kit 3575169 (1153035750, 5000020021, 5000020029)

Turbine housing 3519409

Compressor cover 3536495

Gasket oil inlet 210023 (210023-0000, 147837, 210021, 215234, 55739, 3709737, 3500681, 3519762, 409266-0001, 409036-0000, 409026-0001, 52231586500) (1900000037)

Gasket (oil outlet) 210021 (148062, 311496, 3519807, 413671-0000, 409037-0000) (1900000027)


1995 - Cummins Truck B Series with 6BT, 6BTA, 6BTAA Engines

1995- with DAF trucks with 6BT, 6BTA, 6BTAA engines

2005- Ford trucks with Euro 2 standard with 6BT, 6BTA, 6BTAA engines

1995- Cummins military engines with 6BT, 6BTA, 6BTAA engines

1995- Cummins various models with 6BT, 6BTA, 6BTAA engines

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By CAE turbo Thursday, 22 August 2024