fczenith Turbocharger
Caterpillar Various, Earth Moving TW9214 Turbocharger 466249-0003
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Part Number :466249-5003S
Previous Versions: 466249-0003, 466249-0004, 466249-4, 466249-3
OE Numbers :102-0279, 1020279, 1020278, 102-0278, 4P-4606, 4P4606, 2572206, 257-2206
Description Marine Engines, Engines and Powerplants, Earthmoving
Turbocharged Models TW9214, TV9214
Engine 3516 Seataskerk
Displacement 69000 ccm, V16 Cylinders
Fuel Diesel
Marine Engines 3512B, 3512B
Industrial Engines G3516B, G3516, SR4
Generator Engine G3516B, SR4, G3516
Generator SR4, SR4B
Serial Number 3RC860-UP, 4EK72-UP, 4EK2412-2499, 7EZ261-276, CTL1-UP, ZBA1-UP, 3RC860-UP, 3RC00001-UP, 4EK00001-UP, CSZ00001-UP
Bearing Seat 443245-0001/410310-0002 (4W1224, 23504279)
Turbine 442208-0001 (4W1223)
Comparison Wheel 441813-0008/445035-0004/441813-0002 (9Y1493, 6I2104, 7W2298)
Back plate 408487-0042 (1093481, 4W4609)
Heat shield quantity 410370-0005 (1900388, 4W1329)
Repair kit 707899-0001/468416-0000 (1101090750, 1101090755) (1N3593, 1089342)
Turbine housing (water cooled) 448406-0001 (4P4605)
Compressor cover 443892-0012 (7C2862)
Turbine housing A/R 1.05
Gasket (turbine inlet) 409038-0001 (132040, 1215736, 7M7273)
Gasket (turbine outlet) 210255 (4W2359)
Gasket (oil outlet) 129120 (210018-0000, 409267-0002, 3709738, 3500682, 201048, 1S4810, 9988, 9738, 3519763) (1900000025)
Gasket (oil inlet) 129119 (1900000035)(201049, 9737, 1S6595, 210019-0000, 409266-0003, 3819900)
Caterpillar Earthmoving Vehicles with G3516B, 3516 SITASCAC GS Engines
Caterpillar 3512B Marine Engines; 3512B Engines
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- Material:
- k18