fczenith Turbocharger

fczenith Turbocharger

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Part Number :465988-5002S

Previous Part Numbers :465988-9002, 465988-5002, 465988-0001, 465988-9001, 465988-5001, 465988-0001, 465988-2, 465988-1

OE Numbers 1W5285, 1W5286, 1W-5285, 1W-5286, 0R6364

Description Industrial, Marine, Earthmoving

Canadian Red Cross 408742-0006 (408742-5006S, 408742-0020, 408742-0029, 408742-0076, 408742-9006, 0R5867, 6N8654, 6N7960, 0R5910, 1W1653, 1W6809)

Turbocharged Model TW8106

Engine 3508

Generator Engine 3512, SR4

Generator 3408, 3408B, 3408C, 3508, 3512, SR4

Industrial Engine G3512, G3516, SR4, 3408, 3408B

Machine Engine 3408

Marine Engine 3408C, 3408, 3408B, 3408C, 3412, 3508

Serial number 60M3778-5160 left, 67U11076-UP left, 78Z2006-4866 left, 99U4738-7598 left, 67U11135-13675 left, 96Y701-1673 left, 8106 SL0112 left

Fuel Diesel engine

Bearing seat 408495-0028 (408495-0009, 408495-0010) (Oil cooling) (0R5404, 160025, 9N2035) (1101672450)

Turbine 408492-0021 (408492-0014, 408492-0017, 408492-0028)(9N2043)(Ind. 111.4 mm, Exd. 97.1 mm, Trm 15.97, 11 blades)(1101081435, 1100020188)

Comparison wheel 409132-0001 (409132-0007, 444827-0001, 444827-0016)(6N7961, 7C9622, 4P3429, 33164091321)(Ind. 76. mm, Exd. 108. mm, Trm 8.15, 6+6 blades, Superback)(1101881401, 1200016130)

Back plate 408487-0013 (6N7962, 331640848713)(1101680360, 1300016142)

Heat shield quantity 407657-0004 (409794-0000)(9N2037, 9N3701, 8925757)(1101680340, 2030016145)

Repair kit 468211-0000 (3545836, 188002-0000, 3545824)(7A0636, 23513074, 3316468211)(5000010008)

Turbine housing (water cooled) 409133-0104 (6N9910)

Compressor cover 447209-0001 (6N7959)

Turbine housing AR 1.03

Gasket (turbine inlet) 132040 (202873, 205396, 205396, 3500683, 210017-0000, 409038-0000, 1S4295, 9749)(1900000003)

Gasket oil inlet 210019 (201049, 129119, 409266-0003, 3819900, 9737, 1S6595)(1900000035)

Gasket (oil outlet) 129120 (210018-0000, 409267-0002, 3709738, 3500682, 201048, 1S4810, 9988, 9738, 3519763) (1900000025)


Caterpillar Marine, Earthmoving with 3508 Engine

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