fczenith Turbocharger
Caterpillar Industrial Engines and Power Units BTV7510 Turbo 466809-0004
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Part Number :466809-5004S
Previous Versions :466809-0004, 466809-9004, 466809-4
OE Numbers :258-5636, 10R-2840, 2585636, 10R2840
Description Generator Sets, Industrial Engines and Power Plants
Canadian Red Cross 449073-0022 (449073-5022S, 712371-0178, 449073-0010)(0R7034, 148-8169, 1488169, 289-0375, 2890375)
Turbo Model BTV7510
Engine Model 3512, 3512 Ditask GS
Prefix 6GW, 99Z, BGX, BLF, BMB, BPJ, BRK, CAL, CAW, CMC, CMD, CMJ, CNB, CNF, CPA, CPG, CSZ, FDN, FDR, GAR, GZR, GZS, MGC, PRC, PTF, PTM, YAH, ZAB, ZAD, ZAF, ZAH, ZAJ, PPS, BPD, KEN, NAM, NBR, 4EK, 8LD, ZAZ, ZBA, 5JD, 7NJ, CRN, CSP, 4WD, 9TG, CPJ, CPY, SBJ, SBK, SDX, SEK, SFJ, T2X, 1NW, 2FW, 2JW, 3CW, 4BW, 6HZ, 7RN, 8CN, 8KN, 9AN, BCK, CAN, E5P, E6P, GD3, GZT, GZY, PBR, YAP, YAR, YAT, YAW, YBT, YBW, ZAP, ZAR, ZBP, ZBR, F2X, SBG, SCC, 1PW, 2EZ, 2GW, 3ZW, 4AW, 4TN, 5AW, 6WN, 7HM, 8DF, 8EM, 8RM, BRC, PWG, SW8, YAM, YAN, YAY, YAZ, F1X, 1TW, 2BM, 2HW, 3DM, 3DW, 5PS, 6PN, 7SM, BPX, C8R, S2B, 25Z, 27Z, 29Z, 3SS, 3XS, 4MJ, 5SJ, 72Z, 73Z, 7KM, 8LD, GZX, YAL, YAS, YBS, ZAL, ZBL, 24Z, 2WK, 3RS, 3WS, 49Y, 50Y, 5JD, 65Z, 66Z, 67Z, 6PM, YAK, YAX, 23Z, 3PS, 4WD, 5XM, 69Z, 70Z, 95Y, 96Y
Engine Manufacturer Caterpillar
Fuel Diesel
Displacement 51800 ccm, V12 Cyl
Generator Engine 3512B; 3512B
Generator SR4B; SR4BHV
Serial Number 8RM760-UP, 6WN803-99999, 1GZ2000-UP, 1GZ1-UP, 8RM00001-UP, 6WN00001-UP, 6GW00001-UP, CMC00001-UP, ZAH00001-UP, YAM00001-UP, YBB00001-UP, JM300001-UP
Bearing seat 449072-0001 (oil cooling)
Turbine 448953-0003 (Ind. 99.1 mm, Exd. 87.9 mm, 11 blades)
Comparison wheel 448671-0019 (Ind. 74.7 mm, Exd. 102.3 mm, Trm 53*80, 7+7 blades)
Back plate 448797-0009 (Carbon seal) (710269-0003, 452903-0001)
Heat shield 410113-0002 (407967-0003)
Repair kit 468267-0007 (468267-0006)
Turbine housing 259-8426
Gasket oil inlet 210019 (409266-0004, 210019-0000, 201049, 129119, 409266-0003)
Gasket (oil outlet) 210018 (3519763, 129120, 210018-0000, 201048, 157602, 3037537)
Caterpillar Industrial Generator Set Engines and Power Plants with 3512 Engine
- Material:
- k18