fczenith Turbocharger


Caterpillar Industrial Engines, Generators F-555 Turbocharger 194848

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Product Description

Part Number 312002

Previous Revisions 194848, 179576

OE Number 7C2485, 7C-2485

Description Industrial Engines, Generator Sets

Manufacturer Part Number 198848

Canadian Red Cross 311955 (186497, 178215, 1W1053, 0R6346) 

Turbocharged Models F-555, 4LF555, 4LE/4LF

Engine 3412; 3412, 3412C, 3412

Fuel Diesel

Machine Engine 3412

Generator Set Engine 3412, 3412C, 3412C

Generator SR4

Industrial Engine SR4, 3412

Serial Number 81Z5000-14500, 81Z14501-99999, 3FZ1-UP, LRY00001-UP, 9EP00001-UP, 4BZ00001-UP, 38S16484-UP, 81Z14501-UP, 81Z05000-14500, 38S13236-16483, 81Z00001-04999

Bearing seat 186496 (1W1055)

Turbine 184432 (0R5392, 9S8993) (Ind. 78.89. mm, Exd. 92. mm, 10 blades)

Comparison wheel 184185 (7N9565)

Back plate 197651 (51135, 142066, 5S4556, 52321523000, 52321523001, 49162-22500, 143044-0000)(1250403300)

Heat shield quantity 188086 (148046, 4N9556, 8S9221)

Repair kit 318350 (6N7245, 2W0725, 183211) (1250040751)

Turbine housing 150781 (1P6460)

Compressor cover 184365 (7N9564)

Turbine housing AR 4.60

Gasket (turbine inlet) 132040 (9749, 1S4295, 202873, 205396, 3500683, 210017-0000, 409038-0000, 52231083002)(1900000003)

Gasket (oil outlet) 129120 (201049, 9737, 1S6595, 210019-0000, 409266-0003, 3819900, 52231586500, 129119)(1900000035)

Gasket oil inlet 129119 (201049, 9737, 1S6595, 210019-0000, 409266-0003, 3819900, 52231586500, 129120)(1900000035)


Caterpillar industrial engines, generator sets 3412

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